The Juggling Mother

Random rants from a mother of four juggling it all - husband, children, housework, friends. You name it I juggle it.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hippity, Hoppity!

Happy Easter! I think the kids Easter baskets were a little lame this year. But when money is tight, what is the Easter Bunny to do? They did get Narnia and are pretty excited about that, and lots of Skittles, Smarties and Starburst. The middle child declared that he didn't like his Swiper backpack clip and wanted to know why he didn't get a clock like the oldest. Never mind that he is too young to tell time, or even understand it! The baby only got a book, an outfit and some bibs. Her basket was set up more for her older brothers than her; she doesn't know any better. They did really like the homemade cards that I created for them. That made me feel pretty good.

Anyway, lots to do to get ready for company. Laundry to put away (I got it all folded after the kids were in bed) and floors to vacuum. I need to get a workout in because I skipped yesterday. Plus we all have to shower and dress, and set up for an Easter Egg Hunt. The kids are quite excited about that!


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