The Juggling Mother

Random rants from a mother of four juggling it all - husband, children, housework, friends. You name it I juggle it.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

"The Sickness" Returns!

So I am the helping parent to day in the middle child's preschool class. His belly hurt. We tried to go to the bathroom. He threw up. Poor guy! He was in the bathroom, thank God. I cleaned everything up, I called to get a replacement for my helping parent duty and we were out of there. The teacher and the other helping mom were so nice. My poor monkey's belly hurts really bad. Guess he was infected with "The Sickness" from the oldest. I hope no one else in the class gets it.

So today I juggle the normal and throw in taking care of a sick little boy. This is the first time he has ever had a stomach virus, so it will be interesting to see if he can read his body and make it to the bucket. He hasn't gotten sick since he was in school, so I hope that was it and he can just rest for the remainder of the day.

Off I go to see if he needs anything. Let's hope the baby doesn't get this!


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