The Juggling Mother

Random rants from a mother of four juggling it all - husband, children, housework, friends. You name it I juggle it.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Is it the Weekend Yet?

I need the weekend! Super Hubby was away on a golf weekend last weekend. That was his father's day gift. So I was on my own with the kids all weekend. Then on Monday he went back to work. So, I have had too many days in a row with the children and not enough of a break. I am living for the weekend. He took off on Monday, since Tuesday is a holiday. Long weekend here I come!!!

The younger two had their check-ups this morning. The middle boy, my big four year old, is off the charts for height. He was so bright, answering all of the doctor's questions. He was so brave for his shots, too. He didn't flinch when the needles went in, but when it was over his lip was quivering. He was trying to be so brave and not cry. I said, "You can cry if you want to," and hugged him. He said, with a quivering lip, "I made a mistake." The doctor and I asked him what his mistake was at the same time. He said, "Crying was my mistake." I wish I knew where that had come from. We have never scolded for crying or told our boys to be brave and not cry. I felt so bad for him. I reassured him that he could cry if he needed to, shots hurt and he had every right to cry. The doctor told him that even grown men cry. But instead of letting loose like he wanted to he sucked it up. Poor guy!

The baby, who isn't technically a baby anymore, is my little shorty. She is in the 50th percentile for her weight but only the 25th for her height. She is growing along the same track she always has. According to the doctor, and yes I am about to brag, she is "very advanced verbally". She shakes her head no even if you don't use the word "no". You can say things like can't, don't, uh-uh and she understands and shakes her head no. My oldest was talking to her and the doctor could tell that she understood what was being said to her. Unfortunately, her gross motor skills are a little behind. She isn't really able to pull up yet. She tries but can't quite do it. She has very little interest in standing when you try to help her. She would much rather you just pick her up. So if that doesn't improve by her 15 month check up in September, it might be time to worry, according to the doctor. We are going to work on it and I am sure she will get it in time.

Our new AC is being installed today. The contractors showed up just before we had to leave to go to the doctor. I expect they will be here all day. They have to take the old unit out of the attic. Our attic opening is very small, so the unit will have to be taken out in pieces and the new one brought in that way and assembled in the attic. Not a fun job, I am sure. But they are smiling and joking so I guess it isn't too bad. The one technician was a little frustrated with the way the old unit is put together. Said he'd never seen anything like it. I asked him if he wanted a cold drink, 'cause it is hot in that attic. He asked for a cold beer!

My day is a little disrupted with them here. I can't get to my sons' room, so I guess the middle child won't be napping. The boys can't really play upstairs because there are drop cloths and AC parts everywhere. They are desperate to be up there so they can see what is going on. They are very excited and keep asking how long they will be here.

Off I go to get something accomplished. We have another party this weekend to prepare for. I have laundry that I have to get done and put away so that tomorrow I can clean.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Thank you, Governor Ehrlich!

The Governor vetoed that flawed bill passed by our legislature. I went to the Gov's official website and read his letter to Senate leader Mike Miller. In it I learned even more disturbing parts of the bill. The Gov lists one by one the reasons he is vetoing the bill. It was very interesting reading. You should go there and learn what your representatives are trying to do to you. Maddening! If I read his letter correctly, there is a part of the legislation that allows BGE to charge new customers who move into the region after June 1 of next year the interest payments even though they didn't get to take advantage of the rate deferral. What?!?

It also allows BGE to borrow money and pass on the full interest of the loan to customers, then turn around and loan money to its parent company, Constellation Energy at below market rates. In addition the bill allows BGE, with PSC approval, to negotiate directly with Constellation for energy procurement, rather than using wholesale energy procurements that could be cheaper. The Governor calls these "anti-consumer provisions". I'll say they are! Who the hell are Mike Miller and his cronies trying to protect? Us or BGE? And Martin O'Malley has the nerve to imply that Ehrlich is looking out for special interest, specifically BGE!

I hope and pray that people see the truth in this matter before November.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Got Through One Party, On to Another

My baby girl isn't a baby anymore! She had her first birthday. We survived her party and now it is on to planning the next one. My middle child turns four next week, so his party is next weekend. I am mailing the invites today. Little late. What is a busy, pregnant mom of three supposed to do?

Today we have an electrician coming to install an attic light. When we have our AC replaced next week, there has to be a light in the attic for the AC installers to work by. Our house is old enough that an attic light wasn't "code" when it was built. But now it is, so the AC can't be installed unless there is a light up there. At the same time, the electrician is going to test the wiring for a ceiling fan that has not worked a single day since we bought the house almost eight years ago. All of this is costing us almost $200 - if the wiring is okay. If the fan needs to be rewired that is another $200. Yipee! But it needs to be done; once we have a fan that works, our AC, and heat for that matter, will work more efficiently. The fan is in our foyer and will help regulate the temperature between the two levels of our home.

The first place we called to get the attic light installed and ceiling fan looked at never returned our call. This particular company was highly recommended by the company that is installing our AC. It is a local company that they would subcontract to if they were doing it themselves. So we figured we would give them a call. Two messages and two weeks later, no return call. How frustrating is that. I am calling you, offering you work, and you can't return my phone call? We even stated in our message that they were recommended to us by the AC company. We finally called the company that our neighbors use for all of their electric needs and got a call back and an appointment right away. Ridiculous.

We had the same issue when six years ago we wanted to remodel our kitchen and bath. We were spending in the ballpark of $30k for a kitchen and bath remodel and had to call ten companies to get three to call us back. Why is that? None of the companies that called us back were local either. All three were from a neighboring county, each almost an hour's drive away. We wanted to keep our money local, but when the local companies don't call you back, what are you to do?

Enough ranting about contractors and customer service. Off to complete my load of laundry. My daughter's favorite stuffed toy got diaper cream on it yesterday and she didn't go to sleep well without it. It is in the laundry now and can't be put in the dryer. I need to get it out so that it can dry by tonight! We don't want to go through two nights like last night. I never had to deal with this with my boys at such a young age. I wonder, is that a girl thing?

Friday, June 16, 2006

Good Luck Gov!

I wish the Governor good luck in accomplishing his public hearing on the BGE rate plan that was passed by our legislature. He has helped restore my faith in the system. He realizes that Marylanders may not have been properly represented by this vote, and is giving us a chance to speak out about it. Way to go! I wish I could make it to Annapolis for the public hearing next week, but I don't think that will happen.

I also was able to view what my delegates vote was on the bill (thanks, Dad). She voted no. She has my vote next time around, should she run again. I sent her an email this morning thanking her for voting with her conscience rather than with the majority.

The other representative that I emailed with my view point voted yes to the bill. He might not get my vote next time around. If you want to see how the vote went click here. (Thanks for the link, Dad.)

That's all we can do...let them know how we feel, and then try to hold them accountable in the voting booth. I feel better having been active in the fight rather than sitting and letting it happen to me.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

They Did It

Well, the legislature passed the bill for relief from the BGE rate hike. As far as I have heard, there were no amendments added to it that included an "opt out". So we are all being forced into this plan whether we want it or not. I heard on the news that there were only 11 votes against the bill, and that in an election year the 15% increase was just too good to pass up. Thanks for letting politics rule your vote instead of good sense or what your constituents want!

I received a personal reply from one of my representatives. She said "I certainly appreciate your position and I also share your view", and that paying up front does make the most financial sense. She wrote, "We are preparing amendments as well as another bill on this matter, but the reality is that if the majority party does not share or agree with these amendments we do not have the numbers to pass the bill as amended for the opt out provisions." Wonder what her end vote was? If she agreed with me, as she stated, then her vote should have been "no" to any bill that did not include amendments.

Now it is up to the Governor to veto the bill, but unfortunately, there are enough votes to override his veto. What is our government doing? Did they listen to the people, or did they just assume that they knew what was best? Did they vote a certain way because they want to be re-elected, rather than voting the way they truly believed? The only way to hold them accountable is in the voting booth. I plan on finding out how my representatives voted, and I will take that into consideration the next time they run for office.

I am so disappointed in the system. And, yes, I do vote in every election, so I have the right to complain!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

BGE Rate Hike and the Special Legislative Session

I am not a happy camper this morning. Beginning July 1, BGE customers will be faced with a 72% increase in our electric rates. Our trusted leaders in the legislature are meeting today in a special session to develop a plan regarding the rate hike. The plan being discussed today allows for a 15% increase beginning in July through the next 11 months. In addition, we will pay a surcharge of $2.19 per month for the next ten years. Doesn't sound too bad, right? But wait there's more.

Unfortunately, what they are not discussing, at least not publicly, is what will we do in 11 months when customers begin paying market rates? What will the increase be then? 80%, 90%, 120%? The most disturbing thing about the current plan is the fact that we will all be FORCED into it. Our legislature, led by the wonderful Mike Miller, is taking away our power to decide for ourselves what is best for our families. There is no option to "opt out" as there was in plans that were approved previously. WE WILL HAVE NO CHOICE!

I personally am not interested in paying BGE any surcharge or interest on money I will owe them anyway. The 72% increase will be difficult for my family to manage, but I would rather pay it up front than pay surcharges or interest on deferred payments. How is that financially smart? I am really angered by the fact that I will be forced into a plan that I do not agree with.

What burns me even more, is that we would not be in this position if it were not for the law suit that the City of Baltimore filed against the PSC. Since when does the City of Baltimore get to decide what works for the entire state? Thank you Mayor O'Malley! The plan that was in place before the City's lawsuit deferred the pain for those who truly could not afford the rate hike, and let us each decide what would work best for us.

If you are as upset about this matter as I am I urge you to do something about it. Don't just sit there and nod your head and complain to your neighbor. Find out who your local representatives are by going here. Enter your street address and city and information on your representatives will appear on the left side of the screen. Each name will be a link to how you can contact that person. Email your representative and tell them that this plan doesn't work. I contacted my local representatives this morning, and then sent a web mail to the governor urging him to veto this legislation if it is put before him in its current form. We want a choice. We want our power back to make decisions regarding our own financial future!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's the Last Day of School!

Today is the last day of school for my first grader. I am excited about this because it means no more fighting in the morning trying to get everyone ready and out the door. We can relax, take our time with breakfast, have time to play. You would think that from the time they wake up at 6:15 or so until we have to walk out the door at 8:15 would be enough time, but it never is. I am always on them with "Let's go, let's go," like some kind of drill sargeant. I am so tired and cranky these days, one less stressor is a good thing. Hopefully the boys will get along well enough. I have warned them that if they fight all summer, they will spend all summer sitting on the couch with their hands folded in their laps. That is what my mother used to do to my brothers and me.

Today I have more party readiness chores to accomplish, and laundry to do. There is always laundry to do. I also have to pick up my son from school today, because I have to pick up his allergy medicines from the nurse. I think last year, I was able to get them the day after school let out, but this year they want them picked up by 4:00 on the last day of school. That ought to be fun. The school parking lot is guaranteed to be a mess! They don't have enough parking as it is, I am sure that today will be especially bad.

We also have a contractor coming today to give us a quote on replacing our AC unit. It hasn't functioned properly for a few years. We have had it serviced a couple of times, found out it is leaking Freon and just dealt with it not really working because it would be so expensive to find the leak and fix it. This year we decided to bite the bullet and get it fixed. Turns out the smarter move is to replace the 17 year old unit entirely. So we have gotten two quotes, are getting another tonight and one tomorrow. Hopefully within a few weeks we will be chillin'. It is a good thing late spring has been a rather cool one. One of the contractors told us to check out for information on everyone who is bidding on the project. Sounds like a pretty cool website. You can look up contractors/service providers to find out if anyone has had good or bad experiences there. You have to be a member which comes with a membership fee, but if the membership fee is cheap enough it might be worth it. Apparently, there are coupons for some of the places on the list. The contractor that told us about the list has a $100 coupon on it. Haven't been there yet, but plan on going to check it out.

Must be off to accomplish some chores. Think the dryer is done its load so I need to get the next one going.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Craziness Continues

What a weekend! We were so busy that I didn't get a chance to catch up on anything. Not my cleaning, laundry or my sleep. And I am so amazingly tired. The weekend went way too fast, and now we are back to another busy week. We did have a great time at the "reception" for my girlfriend that got married in Jamaica. It was really great to see everyone who was in Jamaica again, and to be able to introduce my family to them.

Today, I have to take cupcakes up to my son's school for his summer birthday celebration. I have a ton of laundry to do. And every day this week I have some sort of project around the house that needs to be accomplished for my daughter's birthday party this weekend. Don't know what it will be out the fridge, cleaning off the desk (which you can't see at the moment), dealing with the overabundance of toys in our family room that need to be organized. What will it be today?

Uh oh, baby's awake early. Better go get her and get those cupcakes up to the school.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

June is Nuts!

When I first started this blog, I posted every day. I am not sure what has changed, other than being pregnant, but now I can't find the time. June is crazy busy. School ends next week for my oldest, so we have end of year parties and "summer birthday" celebrations to plan and attend. Thank goodness school ended for my middle boy in May!

The middle child and the baby both have birthdays this month. The baby's party is next weekend, and I still have not made her invitations. Father's Day is next weekend as well. I have cards to make and gifts to buy for that. I have to make and send invitations for the middle child's party as well which is in three weeks. How am I ever going to have enough time when there are FOUR children?!? How do parents of that many children do it?

Today I had to grocery shop. Super hubby has been doing a lot of the shopping for me of late. Seems like whenever I am pregnant, the grocery store is the last place I want to go. It really wears me out, especially when I have to take two children with me. Today was even worse! I normally shop at Safeway. I shop there because:
  • they have really good store brand items;
  • they have many items that are safe for my children with their allergies;
  • it is very close to home; and,
  • I know the layout of the store really well.

When I create my shopping list, I write the items in the order of where they are in the store. Well, they are reorganizing. AGHH! They put the jelly by the bread instead of with the breakfast stuff. (That makes a lot of sense, but I would have had a really hard time finding it had someone not pointed me in the right direction!) The bread aisle is all torn up because they are reorganizing and it took forever to find the kind of bread that is safe for my kids. The toilet paper has been moved down about four aisles, and the water is with the pet food. Next time I have to go to the store, I won't know how to write my list!! The upside is that the store was full of employees moving all of the items, and everyone was really helpful. I might need a guide the next time I go to the store!

Anyway, I got my shopping accomplished even if it did take a few minutes more. Now I have laundry to tackle and I've got to get to those invitations. What I really want to do is open the ice cream I bought at the store and curl up with a good book!